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Apply for services

If you have been diagnosed with any type of disease that requires transplant, waiting to be listed, currently on the transplant list or have undergone a transplant, please apply here for the services listed below which will be facilitated by The Heartbeat Foundation, Inc. Patient confirmation is required prior to services being initiated.

Transportation at no cost

We will provide transportation for patients to and from their doctor appointments through the use of Uber Technologies.

Image by Humphrey Muleba

Manicure and Pedicure Services at no cost

We hire professionals to provide medical manicures and pedicures to our patients who need this service while in the hospital. This service has proven to make our patients feel better.

Shampoo, Condition, Blow Dry and Styling Services at no cost

We hire professional stylist to provide, shampoo, condition, blow dry and styling services to our patients in the hospital. These services make our patients feel better about themselves which really helps them when they are being considered for transplant.

Comforting Hands

Emotional Support

A lot of our patients are terrified of the decision to have a transplant. We have staff members that have gone through the process and are able to encourage patients.

Miscellaneous Services

Some patients require services that are out of the norm and our philosophy is that if we can do it, we wiil.

Holding Hands
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